Meet Teddy

Meet Teddy
Everyone meet Teddy 🐻 

Serena has put together a lovely video for you all to watch 📹

Teddy is our nursery bear that each child in nursery will be given the opportunity to take home and go on an adventure with. 🗺

We cannot wait to start seeing what Teddy gets up to in his adventures with our little moons 🥰 

From a developmental perspective, here’s what Tesdy can bring to your child: 

They’re fascinating sensory playthings. Stuffed toys are soft to the touch, squishy and smooshy to curious hands, fun to look at, and often carry the comforting scent of home, or another familiar place. In that way, they’re great outlets for children to give their five senses a spin.

Stuffed toys help children deal with emotions. “Babies and toddlers depend on others’ faces to take social cues, and know whether they’re in a safe environment. A teddy’s constant smile can really help children feel like they’re in a safe, happy place. 

They’re great for social-emotional learning. Teddies are common partners in pretend play, as children give them personas and characteristics, and use them to role-play or explore imaginary situations. They often become someone children need to care for, which helps develop empathy.

Chatting with bears boosts language development. During pretend play, stuffed toys are uncritical listeners, and good conversational partners. “Children can practice speech with teddies and not have to worry about saying something wrong, or being corrected. The teddy knows what they’re saying, and its answer is the child’s own voice too. 

Teddy bears are awfully cute. Just look at that little nose!

#bananamoondyce🌙 #Teddy #adventure #fun #love #happy 

@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Open all Public Holidays


Banana Moon Day Nursery, Unit 18, Dyce Shopping Centre
AB21 7LW

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